A Vacation State of Mind

In April, we visited Maui on one of my favorite vacations EVER and I really cherished the entire experience, being solo with my husband, Ethan, and adventuring somewhere brand-new, and just the huge release of tension I felt being there. I can literally feel it in this picture of us on our last morning there.

While I eagerly await the next time we traverse the earth to get to that magical place, I've realized that I can take some of what I experienced with me in the meantime...

I have been thinking about some ways to bring vacation into the every day… and these are six things that I came up with.

NOTE: I don’t do any of these enough, so I’ve written these reminders down as much for me as for any of you out there who may need it!

Read Fiction (or another genre you enjoy)

Maybe you've been reading books you enjoy, but I wasn't. I really love fiction books but I've let them collect dust until my friend Terri started a book club… I’m so glad she did. I have been reading business books, self-development books for years but honestly - it feels like vacation for my brain to read a good beach read, even if I’m not on the beach. I think this “off-switch” is even more important for creativity and productivity than I ever realized.

Get Out Into Nature

Any time we can get out into nature, we’re going to up our frequency, boost our mood, must be all of those plant juices in the air…. but I tend to marvel in the natural world wherever I’m on vacation, and I can do that at home too! I find myself in search on a water view all the time, and so why not just lean in, take the scenic route and savor it whenever I can? A hike in the woods, a walk on the beach, a pretty drive, or even just enjoying the flowers and trees in the neighborhood... it'll do us all good no matter where we are.

Drink From Your Fancy Cup

I bought myself a beautiful ceramic mug in Hawaii and every time I drink from it, it brings me back even for just a sip! I also love a special water bottle (Young Living always gives amazing swag and this time it was a LARQ bottle - so cool), but whether it’s a souvenir or just something that makes you feel special on a regular old weekday… this is an easy way to feel a little extra while you hydrate or caffeinate. One thing I use to punch up my seltzer is Golden Turmeric - it has a ton of great health benefits but the mango-rose flavor makes everything feel like a tropical cocktail.

Intentional Rest / The Away Message

Put up a figurative away message for a few minutes. I think part of why we long for vacation is the rest… not just the act itself but the permission, the expectation of it. I give myself the time and space to just sit on the beach and to let my tangled mind unwind itself a little… but why can’t I do this more often? Why do we not expect to rest until we pack up all of our shit and fly somewhere hours away? It sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? but for many of us, it’s the reality. SO… what would an “away message” look like to you? Meditation, inhaling some grounding oils, turning off the phone or deleting the social apps, walking away from the noise. Even just for a few minutes… makes such a difference. We can do this!

Create a Sensory Experience

One of the coolest things about going away on a Young Living trip is that we usually visit a farm or distillery and we get immersed in whatever plants and oils are grown and distilled there. In Hawaii, it was Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, in Spain, Cistus and Frankincense, and in Ecuador it was Palo Santo and Ylang Ylang and Ocotea and many others. Not only do I leave with a newfound appreciation for these oils, the whole experience creates an emotional attachment because our sense of smell is so closely tied to our emotions and memories. Even if you’re not going to any of these farms on your next vacation (hahaha) — keep reading!

You can build a sensory experience on any any vacation you take! I have been known to create a signature diffuser bomb to bring to a rental house, or a I will make a special roller to enjoy or share on the trip… and then I can bring that home with me and continue to enjoy it!

You can even send that blend to your vacay buddies after the fact for a sweet surprise. And if you need help coming up with a signature scent, I can help!

One of my favorite "beach house" combos is the seaside blend… 5 parts Lime, 3 parts Wintergreen, 1 part Blue Tansy.

Try Something New

Vacation makes me feel a little spunky and spontaneous. New place, new people, new experiences… this is satiating our need to change it up. We need variety, friends! SO. We can be intentional about finding new things to try and places to explore right in our own backyard. What is something new you can try this weekend or this summer.... a hike, a hobby, a habit? Where can you just drop everything and go do something fun.... some things we love: mini golf or bowling, exploring a nearby town, trying out new skills for a house project. Ethan asked me to lunch the other day out of nowhere and I was like, YES! Let's do it.

Look for opportunities to get a breath of fresh air on a day that may otherwise feel kind of stale.

Do you, or would you do any of these things?!

What would you add to this list?

I am here for healthy striving and healthy living, intentionality, fulfillment and enjoyment, and creating a world we don’t need a vacation from!


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